
Henry-Wilson calls for calm from JLP
Published in the Jamaica Gleaner: Friday | September 7, 2007
Maxine Henry-Wilson, Member of Parliament-elect for South East St. Andrew, yesterday urged the leadership of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) to restrain party supporters who, she claims, are responsible for acts of violence in the constituency.
This follows the shooting of a resident in Woodford Park yesterday morning, among other incidents of violence since the general election on Monday.
"The incidents of brutality and savagery that have followed these elections go directly against the tone of concession that seemed to have characterised the speech made by the JLP Leader Bruce Golding on the night of the election," said Mrs. Henry-Wilson.
Shot and injured
Meanwhile, three persons were shot and injured in Eleven Miles Bull Bay Wednesday night.
According to the Constabulary Communication Network, about 7:45 p.m., two armed men entered the area and fired shots at the men. When the shooting subsided, they were found suffering from gunshot wounds. Up to last night, the men were in hospital in stable condition.
